


The organization was formed in 2001 to provide information for retired City of Mesa employees, and to advocate on behalf of the general membership on retirement issues in appropriate venues.

The Board of Directors serves the organization, establishes policy and represents RECOM in official matters.

Read our Bylaws.

Our Purpose
The purpose of RECOM shall be to develop, promote and carry out activities for the benefit of retired employees of the City of Mesa. Those activities shall include (but not be limited to) providing information to the general membership on matters of interest and importance to them and advocating on behalf of the general membership on retirement issues affecting them.


At the membership meetings information is provided to members through guest speakers, legislative and issues updates and reports from our representatives on the City's Employee Benefits Task Force and Deferred Compensation Committee and other RECOM standing committees. Not only are the membership meetings informative, they offer a social and community connection for retired City of Mesa employees. (Meetings)

Selected resources such as phone numbers and contact information for City of Mesa government, Social Security Administration, Arizona State Retirement System, Public Safety Retirement System, and other community resources related to retirement are provided to the membership. (Resources)


Members of the RECOM Board and general membership serve on various committees and task forces including:


The Bylaws Committee regularly reviews and recommends changes to the organization’s bylaws when necessary and appropriate. (Bylaws)


The Issues Committee monitors and reviews legislation and policies at city, state, and federal levels that may affect RECOM members. Click here to go to a list of resources available to all members where important information can be obtained. (Legislation)


The Membership Committee maintains membership records and notifies members regarding payment of dues, develops the materials for and conducts an annual membership drive, and compiles demographic and other data from the membership applications.


The Nominating Committee oversees and conducts the annual election process for Board members.


The Programs Committee is responsible for arranging programs for monthly membership meetings, special meetings, workshops, and RECOM social gatherings.


The Website Committee maintains the organization’s website, serving as liaison to the webmaster.

Employee Benefits Task Force

A RECOM member(s) represents the members’ interests at the City’s Employee Benefits Task Force meetings and provides updates to the membership. Currently, one RECOM member represents Arizona State Retirement System retirees and a second member represents Public Safety Personnel Retirement System retirees.

Deferred Compensation Committee

A RECOM member represents the members’ interests at the City’s Deferred Compensation Committee meetings and provides updates to the membership.

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